Dare to Hope


 Bailey Torres www.unsplash.com

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to breeze through problems     while others get paralyzed by them?  I have always questioned why some people appear to have a grip on every negative situation that they encounter regardless  of the magnitude.  What I have discovered is that the people who seem to breeze through life’s challenges, have immeasurable amounts of hope.  They know that heir circumstances are not what they want them to be, but they are hopeful that they will improve with time.  One such person is Archbishop Desmond Tutu who said that “hope is being able to see that there is light despite all the darkness.” 

According to Wikipedia, ‘hope is an optimistic state of mind that is based on an expectation of positive outcomes with respect to events and circumstances in one’s life or the world at large.’  Hope is a trait that is almost a requirement for flourishing in life.  We need hope in order to look to the future with confidence.  We also need hope so that we can see our troubles as a passing storm, with a brighter future ahead. 

This past year has been a difficult one for most of us.  We’ve battled Covid 19, had loved ones die from it, had job losses or reduced salaries, businesses have struggled to stay afloat, lockdowns, adapting to life in lockdown, homeschooling, working from home, the introduction of face masks, the list goes on.  We were thrown into the deep end without much notice.  Some people took the changes in stride while others struggled to cope.  In addition to all that, there was also a spike in domestic violence cases, mental health cases and an increase in teenage pregnancies in some countries during lockdown.  I believe that what caused the difference between those who took the challenges in stride and those who struggled to cope was the presence or absence of hope.

The hopeful ones viewed the effects of the pandemic as temporary and they even made plans for their lives post pandemic.  Then there were those whose lives stood still and they froze, unable to think or do anything constructive due to fear and uncertainty.  I was one of those who was unable to think straight for a while, it took time for me to change course and determine the direction that I would go.

What I found out during that season was the importance of hope.  As cliché as it sounds having hope for the future is what keeps a person going, through the darkest of times.  Believing that you will come out of the trials a better and stronger person and that the challenges are temporary is a method of ensuring that you overcome the storms in a hopeful manner.  Daring to believe that the struggles that you are experiencing will end and going through each day with that belief is the best way to overcome a problem.

So, how do we acquire this hope or how do we grow it within us?  These are some of the methods that we can use:

1.       Create a viable plan of the next steps that you will take to keep you moving forward when it looks like everything is falling apart.  Choose to focus on the good things that happen to you each day.  This will program your mind to dwell on the positive things that occur instead of ruminating on the negative ones.  When you focus and talk about the positive things, your hopes and your dreams, they will eventually turn into self- fulfilling prophecies because you will be motivated to accomplish those goals and dreams.

2.       Concentrate on making each day a productive day.  Do not start worrying about what will happen in the next 3 months, just think about the present day and how to achieve the most out of that day.

3.      Start believing that each day is better than the previous one and start looking forward to taking the steps required to fix the situation.  Take action and do what you can to address each problem every day and eventually you will get to the ‘brighter future’ that you are hoping for.

4.      Engage in a hobby, do something that you love and reach out to a community that has similar interests as you.  This will relax your mind and it will also give you a set of friends that you can talk to.  It will enable you to look at your challenges with a fresh mind and help you to come up with new solutions.

5.      Respond to your situations, avoid reacting to them.  For example, your business may be struggling during this time, but you can create a plan and act on the plan to start the recovery process.  It may take a while before it returns to optimal operations but a step in the right direction is better than none at all.

6.      Associate yourself with hopeful people, they will make you hopeful too.  By being around them you will pick up their thinking patterns and you will start seeing life differently.

Last year was a difficult year for most of us and we struggled to cope with the changing circumstances.  This may have caused us to feel helpless and discouraged but regardless of what happened, if we choose to have hope we will have the opportunity to turn our situations around and have a better year, this year.

